Friday, December 31, 2010

Just say NO!

Hey kids, this is not just a handy phrase for when someone offers you a hit off their crack pipe. It works for that, sure, and this phrase is useful in many other situtations as well. For example, when you have an idea of one more thing to do/make for a child's birthday party that is already tricked out as much as it needs to be,... when you already have three piles of things to fix/sew/refashion and you find something at the thrift store that would fit perfectly if you just took in the waist a bit,... when you see a plant that you really want to buy for your garden but you already have plants at home that are still sitting in their pots (not so) patiently waiting to be planted,...

Procrastination is a bad thing most of the time, especially when you are a person who tends to say, "Sure, I can do that!" Because my husband has requested that I learn how to say "no", I am going to try. This will be extra difficult, since it will be breaking a habit of many (all of my) years. But, I think it's about time I really put some effort into this. Seems like my life will be simpler, less cluttered, smoother, happier as a result. Those are nice things to look forward to! So, this is my resolution for the new year. I am going to leave it with just this one thing to work on. Looky there: I'm just saying "no" to excessive resolutions. Off to a good start!

I hope you have a healthy and blessed new year. Do you have a resolution?


  1. Ah...I finally took almost twenty years! Saying no to volunteering, to just "helping out" on this little project, no to party planning for friends, to obligating myself to things that sound fun but turn out to be chores. Now I only say yes to things that I really want to do, and I'm able once again to give my time and talent joyfully which is the way it should be.

    You will LOVE saying NO!

  2. AMEN!!! I am going to simplify. And if you know me, you know W's party Saturday will be a big test!
